This mural was a special request. He said, "I want a panda. I want him doing something, maybe eating, but up close." So after a little research about all the details of a panda's appearance (and we all know I MUST have details), I sketched out what I call a "possible" on a 30" x 40" canvas.
The sketch wasn't really the challenging part. More so, it's painting all the infinite fine brush strokes of the panda's fur and making sure they overlap in the right direction. While it won't be a photograph, I want it to reflect a real panda as much as possible.
Upon my first release of showing him the piece for approval to continue, he exclaimed, "Oh my gosh! That is more than I expected. That's great!" He's in for a suprise - that was only a preview sketch with colored pencil!
Beginning Stages of Acrylic Paint, 30" x 40" Canvas

Pencil Sketch