Monday, September 10, 2007

Nicole McClain Found "Muralized" On the Wall

Was it muralized or mesmerized? The results of this mural were uncanny and everyone that passed was pointing saying, "I saw your mural on the wall. It looks just like you. Even down to the highlights, it's you." I would laugh, smile and say thank you.

I forgot to sign the wall while I was there, but no worries Mitch, I'll be back to do that soon.

To check it out for yourself, visit Saddleridge in Pittsburgh. You can't miss it.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Chinese "Fall" Mural by Nicole McClain

It's ironic that the name of this mural is "Fall." It was drawn and painted while leaning more than 3 feet over a 25 foot stairwell. There wasn't a convenient place for a ladder on the stairs and the balcony was the only way to access this wall - which made the accuracy of the lines difficult. But this is where it had to go and I was determined to make it look like I painted it in the studio.

One of the Four Seasons Collection: Fall
This mural was painted with acrylic paint and measures 3 feet high by 4 feet wide.